스캔바코드1D, 2D
스캔엔진Area Imager (838 x 640 pixel array), ER Focus: Horizontal: 31.6°; Vertical: 24.4°
인터페이스1910i : USB, Keyboard Wedge, RS-232 TTL 1911i : Scanner: N/A Charger/Communication Base: USB, Keyboard Wedge, RS-232 TTL
낙하시험Scanner: Designed to withstand 50 2 m (6.5 ft) drops to concrete at -20°C (-4°F) Charger/Communication Base: Designed to withstand 50 1.2 m (4 ft) drops to concrete at -20°C (-4°F)
비고1910i : 유선 1911i : 무선