ERP overview
Active in the development of web-based diversified business processes and strategic tools directly related to sales A responsive system? TRIZ-ERP offers a wide range of Smart media, rich (Richer), lighter (Thinner). A system that allows you to apply continuous improvement faster.
Provide a more productive work environment
- Organic linkage for real-time information sharing and integration between domestic workplaces, affiliates, and overseas corporations
- Quick and accurate support for decision-making by managers (accounting information, cost information, management information, etc.)
- Enhancing the competitiveness of the company by efficiently managing all human and material resources within the company
- Improve productivity and maximize corporate profits by establishing an integrated system of management resources as a system
- Establish systematic business processes to eliminate unnecessary duplication of tasks and improve system efficiency
- Multilingual support and excellent operational management system with META DATA
- Save unproductive time by ensuring accurate information delivery with or without network connectivity
- Fast and reliable communication for more business transactions
- Provide flexible and intuitive UI to increase work efficiency
- AnyTime with smartphone, AnyWhere service support
System Architecture Perspective
- Reducing server and network costs due to reduced server-side load
- Reduce development time by more than 50% through various features and services when expanding and improving features after deployment
- Update applications without having to reconfigure existing systems
- Meta Data-based screen and information DATABASE are configured to provide convenience in operations management
- Multilingual support with a single Form and DATABASE configuration
- Authority/distribution by business unit, such as overseas factories, logistics teams (materials/production), forwarding companies, packaging companies, and suppliers
- Available without WINDOWS-based OS reconfiguration, applied as the latest application when connected
Repository Manager
PP&PM, M-BOMProdution Plan, Manufacturing Bill Material
MM,QMSMaterial Management, Quality Management System
SCM,CKDSupply Chain Management, Complete Knock Down
FA, G.WFinancial Accounting, GroupWare

ERP Module Architecture
System ManagementCustomer information, system management, menu management, user management, security management, common standards
Work ConfigurationType information, information classification, document type, calendar, organizational information, currency standard
SalesCriteria information - Inspection code, customer process, return type, item unit price, P/NO management, type code
ProductionReference information - Calendar, line information, part information, CAPA management, M-BOM, type code
Purchase/MaterialsStandard information - Client, unit price management, part information, outsourcing part, type code
BOMReference information - Vehicle type information, process information, line information, part information, type code
QualityReference Information - Defect Type, Share Ratio, Reference Code
Production costReference Information - Reference Information, Type Code
Personnel/SalaryReference information - Vehicle type information, process information, line information, part information, type code
AccountingCriteria information - Account subject, management item, financial statement form, deposit management, account management, type code
BudgetCriteria information - Account code, budget code type code, person in charge, project organization
Construction performance